March 10, 2025 12:03 am

A delegation from the Regional Center for Space Science and Technology Education for Western Asia, headed by the Director General of the Center, visited Al-Hussein Technical University (HTU). The General Director, Dr. Eng. Hisham Khreisat, met with HTU’s President, Prof. Dr. Ismail Al-Hinti, and some faculty members at the university. Dr. Khreisat gave a brief about the Regional Center in terms of its establishment, mission, vision, objectives and prospects for cooperation with the university.

Dr. Khreisat stated that the United Nations had called for the establishment of this type of regional centers based on the need for international collaboration in capacity building and raising awareness of the importance of space science and technology, and getting its fruits for the benefit of humanity, and for the comprehensive development of national and regional technologies, and the effective contribution to the sustainable development of natural resources through education, advanced research and continuous training. Dr. Khreisat also indicated that the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan was chosen as the headquarters of the Regional Center for Western Asia back in the year 2000, after a comparison between Jordan and some other Arab countries. He also reviewed the Arab member states of the Regional Center and its strategic partners, and also indicated the cooperation agreements that were signed between the Center and various other institutions with common interest, including universities, research centers and space agencies. Then the Director of Academic Affairs in the Regional Center spoke about the main scientific themes that the center aims to promote through courses of different levels: technical diplomas, intermediate diplomas and master’s programs in partnership with universities …

The head of the Academic Programs Department indicated the prospects of collaboration with Al-Hussein Technical University, which may include: the establishment of specialized diploma programs in applied space sciences; the introduction of courses in space science and technology (optional or compulsory) to the university’s programs, such as big data and its applications in astronomy and space sciences; applications of artificial intelligence in satellite design; quantum computer applications in space sciences; supervision of students’ graduation projects and Scientific research in the various departments of the University. He also proposed to establish a joint research laboratory in the physics and technology of sensors, which is of great importance in the disciplines of science, engineering and medicine. The Director of Technical Affairs at the Center also reviewed the capabilities and infrastructure available at the Center, which includes computer laboratories and modern lecture rooms and more.

Prof. Dr. Ismail Al-Hinti, President of Al-Hussein Technical University, spoke about the university, its nature and objectives, indicating that it is not a traditional institution and does not aim only to grant academic degrees, but rather to empower a new generation of young people who are able to deal with modern technology that will open the way for them to the labor market, which may have positive effects on development in the Kingdom. In this regard, Dr. Al-Hinti said that there must be partnerships between the HTU and the relevant institutions. He also praised the experience of the Regional Center for Space Science and Technology Education and the role it plays in such areas.

Then, a fruitful dialogue took place between the Director of the Regional Center and the accompanying delegation on the one hand, and the University President and his team on the other. Eventually, more specialized meetings between the academics of the two parties were called for, as well as a call to put forward a clear national program in space science and technology, and applied projects that address daily-life problems using space technology.

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